Thursday, February 16, 2006

Pseudo celebrity jailbirds

For your enjoyment, here are the actual conversations that took place last night, regarding the news on Derrell & Terrell Brittenum from American Idol and the kilted Alexander Keith’s guy from the commercials.

Watching American Idol. The bit about the Brittenum twins arrest comes on.
Jer: “I knew it! They seemed like grifters’
Me: ‘ Yeah I can’t say I’m really that surprised. Not grifter-like tho. I think of John Cusack when I think of grifters.’
Jer: (questioning look)
Me: ‘From the movie Grifters with Jessica Lange and John Cusack.’
Jer: ‘Ah’
Me: ‘ I love John Cusack’

Me: ‘Hey you know that guy from the Keith’s commercials?’
Jer: “Dead?’ (Hopeful face)
Me: ‘No, arrested. Child porn.’

From the article I linked above - Regarding the arrest: "Asked what kind of beer Mr. Smith keeps in his home, the officer said: "Come to think of it, there was Keith's and Corona." I'm glad the reporters have thier priorities straight.

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