Friday, March 31, 2006

well spook-en!

One spooky night a chled what out! and saw……sothig glwg grebe! She ran am ran and then she stopped she hred srcsrscrsc: she ran.

She jets ran an the crasy she fell to the gnan. She said to hrsh: I wihs I was scrscsrcscrscr. She was gone her mom tekenm. Haah scrscsrcsrscrscsrc. Bey bey!

Translation (as far as I can figure):

One spooky night a child went out! And saw… something glowing green! She ran and ran and then she stopped she heard screeescreee: she ran.

She just ran on the grass she fell to the ground. She said to herself: I wish…screescree. She was gone. Her mom (told her? Took her?) ha ha. Screescree. Bye bye!

Note – the screescree noise was actually written as scribbles. I felt this portrayed the horrible scratching sound I envisioned. Think hook on car door. Also the ‘spooky’ in the opening line was originally written with shaky lettering so that the reader would know to say ‘spooOOooOOky’. The 'well spook-en' title was the name of this assignment (grade 2).

Next week: stayed tuned for ‘the rocky island’ and ‘the singing sword'….

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