Monday, April 27, 2009

tonks on the farm

This weekend we took Tonks to my parents farm for the first time. It was just overnight, but she got to meet Edgrr and romp in the great outdoors. And man did she romp.

When we arrived Edgrr seemed a little taken aback that we brought a dog with us, but he was pretty cool with it – until she went near his Mr. Squeaky or food dish. He would growl and Tonks, being oblivious to aggression in other dogs, would ignore him. He quickly learned not to leave any food in his dish or it would be gone.

By the end of the visit Edgrr was okay with her playing with his toys and eating his food, but when she found his coveted deer leg (yes it’s real) he was not impressed.

They had some epic battles.

At one point I took advantage of their play to wake Jeremy up. He’s the lump under the covers.

She really did enjoy the farm, she seems a little bored of her walks since we got back in the city. I’m pretty sure I heard her say ‘lame’ at one point. I’m sure she misses her new friend, but most of all I think she misses the massive mud puddles.

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