Monday, March 7, 2005

first parade and starbucks

Saturday marked the first parade of the season. It was a women’s day something or other parade. When the noise started we were like ‘what the hell?’, then as it passed beneath my window Jeremy said ‘hey you know what this is’, I said ‘every issue facing women today lumped into one parade?’. He said ‘um, well yes but it’s also the first parade of the season’. Yippee. Be expecting excellent pics of all future parades that go down Yonge street here on the dance. And next time I’ll pop my screen out or clean my window. I promise.

We also headed down to the Starbucks at Union Station and I got to see Jeremy’s new store. I’d only seen his 4 King store before. We headed outside because there was a certain shot Jeremy had been dying to take ever since he saw it. Apparently the lighting wasn’t right as he usually sees it at 6 in the morn, but I think it was still a nice pic.

This, Jer tells me, is a tower. Unlike the baby tower I work in.

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