Thursday, December 23, 2004

robotman, stellar and all the rest

Jeremy gave me his Christmas present. I cried when I opened it because it was like having a piece of my childhood handed back to me. It was Stellar, of the Robotman and Friends phenomena. The trouble is, I can’t remember if I had Robotman or Stellar (tho I was sure I had Stellar and told Jeremy as much). Last night I called every single member of my family except my little sister to ask if they remembered this toy. Most of my family has trouble remembering last week so I knew it was a long shot. My eldest sister shed the most light on the subject. She googled robotman and the memories returned as she gazed upon these cuddly creatures. She seems to think, and this is a theory only, that Jenna and I each had one of these and that’s why they both are familiar. Growing up Jenna and I were constant playmates, being so close in age. When it was one of our birthdays they other would also get an equal present. This happened with Popples, My Little Pony’s, Lady Lovelylocks, Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, She-Ra and Jem (that I can remember). If this is the case then it’s pretty certain I had Robotman and Jenna had Stellar. You see she always picked the pink girly thing and I would often choose the boy or bad guy. So, I guess Jeremy knows what to get me for my birthday. Hee.

Btw – while googling robotman I found
this. Weird.

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