Monday, August 14, 2006

What fun. I spent the weekend camping with my family. Due to availability problems we stayed at Tipper’s Family Campground, which is a little tamer than we usually like when camping - but considering we had a 2 and 4 year old with us that was probably a good thing. Jeremy immediately tried out the slide and was quite taken with it, though he did get a little stuck at the top there. We had the entire place to ourselves. We ran wild. Except for the raunchiest outhouse I have ever been in (and I’ve been in my share let me tell you) it was just luverly.

I took some great shots and though I adore my little dimage g400, it really made me want a more professional camera for those moments. Maybe I’ll buy me one for my birthday. Hee.

We spent Saturday at the nearby Bon Echo Provincial Park. Wow! Gorgeous but totally packed. We took the Mugwamp ferry over to Mazinaw Rock and hiked to the top. Spectacular view, I can’t believe I made it all the way to the top. It was about 2 km, and every time I felt like turning back some 5-year-old kid would pass by me on their way back down and I’d just have to keep going. I couldn’t let some kid out hike me. C’mon now.

It was freaking COLD at night and like an idiot I didn’t pack warm enough clothing. I just wasn’t expecting it. Jeremy luckily had a mummy style sleeping bag and was just toasty. That boy is truly claustrophiliac. He could barely move and in fact couldn’t get out of that thing without help and he was deliriously happy. He’s always like that though. When we’re home he’ll wrap the sheet around his head so he gets a good night sleep. I on the other hand will drape a small portion over my rear end and fuss if I’m covered any more than that. I need freedom to kick. Poor Jeremy.

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