Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Yay happy birthday to me!

Over the weekend my family came up to celebrate, and the bulk of my gifts came in the form of the CLARATRON-5000.


I was asked a series of questions and when I got one right I was allowed to punch out a circle and get the ���clara cash��� and candy within. I did awesome and ended up with $250 clara dollars to spend at the Yorkdale in an impromptu shopping spree. It���s so much easier shopping with sisters; they don���t let you buy crap.

Lets see how the rest of you do, I���ll give you the first couple of answers because, well there���s just no way you could know them. And you���re a little slow.

Riddle me this (which is how each question was actually phrased):

��� What is the name of a ferocious 80���s biker gang?
o The Battle Bikes. (my sisters and some neighbourhood boys had a bike gang, and by bike I mean bicycle. My name was Snakes. I could really ride yet so I just sort of coasted, taken stops to touch the ground)

��� I spy with my little eye...something that is RED!
o My dad���s shirt at the time.

��� What is Kt���s favourite kind of meat?
o Pig. I got this one wrong, I said turkey. They let me get a prize anyway. Heh.

Now these you can all take a guess at, winners will receive an undetermined amount of genuine clara dollars, touched by a genuine clara. Careful...they can be tricky...

Riddle me this:

1. What is Jem?
2. What are the names of 3 Batman villains?
3. What did she do to tremendous applause?
4. What are the names of the 2 Sailor Moon cats?
5. Fee Fi Fo Fum���.what is a horse with a sign on it���s bum?
6. Key largo, montego���where do I want to go?

Good luck poodles!

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