Thursday, February 14, 2008

b and v day

I will now reveal the answers to the apparently extremely difficult CLARATRON-5000 questions. Though those who attempted will get a free chocolate bar from Nigh���s���.which is Cory. Heh.

1. What is Jem? Truly outrageous.
2. What are the names of 3 Batman villains? I said Joker, Two face and Poison Ivy.
3. What did she do to tremendous applause? Took off her drawers (Chris de Burgh���s
Patricia the Stripper).
4. What are the names of the 2 Sailor Moon cats?
Atremis and Luna
5. Fee Fi Fo Fum���.what is a horse with a sign on it���s bum?
My Little Ponies!
6. Key largo, montego���where do I want to go
? Kokomo

I got a lot of toys this year, much to my delight. Recognize anyone? Sigh. So dreamy, the lot of them. Ah birthday fun.

And, yes (because I know you are dying to know)��� Jeremy got me flowers for Vday. He���s a good boy.

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