This Saturday Jeremy, Craig, Lindsay and I went on a ghost tour in the hopes of experiencing some Toronto hauntings.
We boarded a yellow school bus at 9am and headed to lower bay station with high expectations. We wandered through the abandoned station, marveling at the unexplored terrain and assiduously taking notes.
After awhile we began to suspect that the lady in a red dress stories were more lore than legitimate. However when we braved the dark recesses of the tunnel we were pleasantly surprised by an encounter.
Yes. It’s true. Kleenex Ghost haunts lower bay station. Jeremy dutifully recorded our findings for further studies.
After we had seen him he seemed comfortable making his presence known in other places at the station. It was truly a remarkable experience.
After bidding Kleenex Ghost adieu we boarded our bus once again and headed to Colborne Lodge in High Park. Before we began our tour we took a stroll around the grounds. We were startled by a fleeting glimpse of a kleenex ghost. He seemed eerily familiar – could this be the Kleenex Ghost?
We noted this for further discussion. Upon entering the lodge we studied the paintings of John Howard and heard about his and Jemima’s life. We were surprised to see a kleenex ghost sitting on the original 1860’s furniture. After all we had been expressly told NOT to sit on the furniture. I began to suspect this was indeed our Kleenex Ghost from lower bay station. He seemed to be a bit of a troublemaker. A rebel even.
Our suspicions were confirmed when we had a look at the washroom and found Kleenex Ghost masquerading as Toilet Paper ghost. Oh Kleenex Ghost. We know it’s you. Sigh.
Our last stop was the Elgin and Wintergarden Theatres downtown. We had heard of many hauntings on this spot so were anxious to search for activity. After all we had great luck so far in the day.
We weren’t disappointed. Shortly after we arrived we spotted Kleenex Ghost lounging in the lobby of the Elgin Theatre. We were having incredible luck with all the paranormal activity. It almost seemed too good to be true!
Kleenex Ghost seemed to have lost whatever inhibitions he originally had, this may have been in part to his choice of refreshments. I didn’t get close enough but I’m pretty sure it was not sparkling water he was ordering…
We stumbled upon his usual seat while wandering through the Elgin. He seemed pretty engrossed in the tour guide’s spiel and didn’t pay us any attention. We respectfully let him be (after snapping a quick photo).
I had hoped we weren’t disrupting Kleenex Ghost earlier but I fear this was not the case. He was clearly upset with us. Our group was taking the elevator up to the 4th floor to the Wintergarden Theatre when the elevator jolted to a stop and stalled for several minutes. We happened to glance back after anxiously exiting and saw Kleenex Ghost at the controls. Hopefully this little prank will appease him and we can continue our tour without incident. At the same time we were all secretly excited by the poltergeist behaviour we had just experienced.
After we spent some time searching for activity in the Wintergarden Theatre we think all was forgiven by Kleenex Ghost as he treated us to a rare spectacle on stage. It was so beautiful. Kleenex Ghost touched all of our hearts in that special moment. We felt a bond with Kleenex Ghost, and each other, for having experienced it.
We quietly left the theatre, thoughtful about our long day of paranormal experiences. We did make a last sighting of Kleenex Ghost as we left. We couldn’t make out the conversation, as he was speaking ghost, but we speculate he was making a call to the 1920’s.
We had a certain affinity with Kleenex Ghost after our day together, and were sad to go. It was truly an amazing experience; a day of trepidation, intrigue and eventually acceptance.
Thank you Kleenex Ghost. Thank you.
Jeremy's notes on the eventful day.
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