Lindsay impressed all the boys with her cockmaster shirt (very obscure reference, I’m going to see if anyone knows where that is from); my favourite part is the look of innocence and mild distaste that crossed her face when I made her pose with the severed penis in a jar from The Butcher Shop, masters of fake body parts and gruesomeness all around. Classic.
I did swing by and pick up the robot eating a watermelon by
Alana McCarthy. Le sigh, robots = happiness in my soul. Speaking of happiness in my soul, I met BOBA FETT! That’s right, here we are becoming fast friends. He was one of the nicest celebs I’ve met at these conventions, also he was very cuddly. I had another celeb moment when we were taking the escalator down to the convention and I noticed a guy in a really nice suit going up on the escalator right beside us. It took me a moment to register his face but it was Wes Craven! I could have reached out and touched him but I have proper escalator respect.
I heart fan ex.
cockmaster is from the southpark movie!
How is south park "very obscure"
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